p o e m  m i c h a e l  g r a v e s



All you life long and loud,

You working for little for Legal Aid,

Because you idealist and work for oppressed.

Once you file motion

Reducing unjustly imprison crowd

In minority dorm on island of Riker

And you was so proud

Of setting the wictimized loose,

But you only put criminal back on the street

And causing more crime than normally is:

Muggers, robbers, rapers, murders

In every borough increase.

You create revolution in peace of New York,

Even if peace isn’t so good.

You like keeper of zoo

Who open the cages of tiger, lion,

Serpent, gorilla, Hispanic and Nigger, Bloods and Crips.

So was no justice for stranger or neighbor,

I know where you live and hear about crime,

Brutal abduction of children, beating of women,

Selling of drugs and shooting of guns,

So was no justice and everyone hate you,

But you was late from you office one night

When one of you wictims rob you and whip you

With pistol beneath crime prewenting light.

You recognize you perp’s face,

Because you was advocat release

Before you unconscious and rush to emergency

To surgeon broken bones of you face.

So it was expected you learn you lesson.

People is betting you change or be same.

Now you return we gonna find out.




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